In this Windows 8 Tutorial you will learn how to pin application to the task bar. If you work with certain programs very often it will be beneficial to pin those Windows 8 applications to your task ba ...
Use the Xara Web Designer 7 Premium Bevel tool to give depth to objects. In This Web Design Tutorial for Xara Web Designer you will learn to edit bevel type, size, contrast, outer bevel, inner bevel a ...
In this Windows 8 Tutorial I will show you how to adjust the automatic maintenance settings. The automatic maintenance settings deals with thing such as software updates, security scans and system dia ...
The fill tool will allow you to alter the appearance of objects in your web design document and can be very useful for marketing purposes. The fill tool can be used to give objects one solid color for ...
Learn to use text area, text column, spell check, dictionary tool, font-faces and font-size and text justifications. Many other text attributes are covered as well. Their are some other features avail ...
Learn to Zoom to page, drawing, selection, previous, 100% and scale by numerical factor using zoom tool in Xara Web Designer. The zoom to page option is great for when you need to see all the web desi ...
In this web design tutorial, you will learn to modify and create various styled quick shapes using info bar and tool modes. As you follow through future tutorials, you will start to realize how import ...
In this web design tutorial, you will learn to use the Xara Shadow Tool. Use the Xara Web Designer shadow tool to add shadow types such as: floor, wall and glow.In addition to that, you will learn how ...
Learn to re-size, position, re-shape, rotate and skew objects using selection tool in Xara Web Designer.Note: If shift key is held down while re-sizing, object will grow equally in all directions.The ...